finding center: a nature guided practice

Alex Goldberg
Video (2 min, 47 sec.)

While at The Swimming Hole, I was also able to return to my nature guided movement practice. This is a personal project that I believe began at a very young age when I used to dance on the beach as the waves crashed on me. In these moments I delighted in how the sound and the ocean’s force influenced my movement. This most recent iteration was very much supported by Amir and I conceptualizing the notion of Becoming Branch, Megan capturing these moments, and Luke recording my words. Without the support of the collective this work would not exist to be shared and I would not have been able to come back to my innate creativity with this level of intention.

This practice is about quieting the mind and allowing the relationship between embodied knowledge and the natural world to strengthen over time. As I get to know a place, this conversation develops, and insight arrives.