FIAC: The Framework for Immersive Arboresque Collaboration


The players of the Elastic Circus of the Revolution developed, through action research and praxis, the Immersive Arboresque Collaborative framework at the Swimming Hole residency in June 2022. The FIAC in turn allowed the development of collaborations of different types: the Swarming Collaboration–everyone contributing to a small piece in rapid ways; Vectorial Collaborations–where sub-groups launched parallel pieces and projects that, as much as they could be part of the work at the residency, could also expand beyond the residency into future work together; Assistive Collaboration, where one or two artists genuinely and with deep interest helped with one particular artist’s vision of a piece that emerged at the residency and through interaction with others; Atmospheric Collaboration: where proximity, discussions, explorations, visual clues or concepts devised by one or another member, would provide inspiration/direction to other members.